Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it against the law in Singapore to have an overnight in hotels with your bf/gf?

Today in Yahoo news a 20 year old China man got arrested because he bribed a policeman into disposing of his and his gf's particulars. Their particulars were taken because they were caught to be in a hotel room together on a random spot-check. Is it against the law or is it just a random screening test to fight prostitution?

Savefile for Red Faction Guerilla?

please can somebody upload a save file for red faction guerilla with 100% completion on the singleplayer and all the cheats unlocked thanks in advance

Is their a military strategy short of scorched earth that could win a guerrilla war for the U.S.?

No and if one studies the ancient writing titled the Art of War , one would find it is impossible to win a guerrilla war short of total annihilation such as a thermo nuclear attack

I'm scared to orgasm?

Think of it this way...imagine the pleasure that your BF will experience if he is the first one to ever give you that amazing have nothing to be self conscious about...believe me he will not be grossed out...and getting louder is just letting him know that he is doing what you it and you will be amazed at how great your BF will feel for giving you that pleasure not to mention how great it will be for you....when he ejaculates he gets things a bit messy...does that make it gross??? NO!! Its all good....let him keep going for both of you.....wet sheets can be washed no worries as he said he will put down towels,,,,obviously he wants you to experience this with him...let him take pride in the fact that you let down your guard and trusted him enough to experience this together...if you are old enough have a drink before you start this will calm you but not to much alcohol as this makes you less sensitive and it will be harder for you to have an orgasm...LET GO GIRL..YOU WILL LOVE IT...AND SO WILL YOUR BF.. HE WILL PUFF OUT HIS CHEST KNOWING THAT HE IS THE FIRST ONE THAT EVER DID THAT FOR YOU...

Why won't this dog like me?

My boyfriend's dog HATES me! Literally. He has bitten me before, and when I first met him he growled, lunged at me and was snapping his teeth at me. He refuses to sniff my hand, take bribes (treats) and even makes eye contact with me (a sign of dominance, I assume). He is an abused rescue, but he warmed up to everyone else and it's been 5 months and no improvement. The "poor" thing either is in a cage or has a muzzle on around me. He barks, growls, and has bitten some other people, but I'm the only person he hates. Everyone who lives in the house he loves (even though I practically live there too). What should I do?


Ive been askin alot about braces because I want to know every detail now that I have them! :), I really dnt got really bad teeth just a small overbite...(by the way people said I shouldnt waste money b/c ima fine jus the way I am).but im really known in school and I know this guy thats gonna ask me out when we go back to school so I just wanna know any duggestions or advise that can help me& is braces a turn off in a girl

How do i get my little girl to stop fighting sleep?

I have twins boy and girl which is almost 1yrs old and the girl fights sleep so bad, its this huge battle everynight. ITs hard to get twins to go to bed when u have two fighting it they both keep trying to sit up or rollover and with just being me sometimes cuz dad gets home to late, i cant hold them both down and if i put them in the swing they just play and grab the bars to stop the swing so if anyone has twins or any advise plz advise me. And yes i tried the cry out method and with twins thats to hard one just wakes the other and then i have both of them playing all over again.

Headache and seeing flashes of color after playing video games all day?

My son is 11. He had recently gotten a new video game for his ps3, "Little Big Plantet". I have caught him staying up all night long playing it. A couple of days ago he started saying that when he would sit or stand, that he would see different colored spots. Then tonight while he was falling asleep he said as soon as he'd start to doze off, he'd see the colors. That game is very colorful. He also has a headache. He hasn't been sleeping or eating right, so I think he may also be a little dehydrated. Has anyone ever heard of these symptoms from excessive video game playing? He's asleep now, but I'm debating on whether I should take him to the ER, or call the Dr in the morning. He doesn't have any other symptoms accept for being really tired. He was up playing til 7am this morning!!!! Needless to say, he won't be playing for a few days. Thanks for any advise.

Help Me Improve my Dark Paladin Deck?

You should bump up both skilled magicians to 3 so you can special dark magician and buster blader. Also to you might need to run more than one of each (d.m. and b.b.). To add these cards you can cut out all traps except solemns and mirror force, then run 3 royal decree. Dark hole should replace lightning vortex because it requires no cost. Also to make your deck more consistent you should run ether 3 gold sarcophagus or 3 upstart goblin for draw power.

How can Justice have been done without a trial, judge, jury, accusation, sentence, defense, prosecution etc?

He killed 3000 people... nuff said. I kinda wished we got information out of him but this was expected.

I need to immigrate to the USA can some advise me on a strategy please?

A few weeks ago I applied for a job with a company in New York and was successful. I know the cap for the H1-B visa has been hit already. The company cannot afford (time-wise) to apply for I-140 petition as they need someone in the position I am applying for as soon as possible. The position is VP Sales & Marketing for a publishing company and I have over 12 years experience in this field and am very successful. Please could someone assist me with getting over there as soon as possible as this is the dream job I have been waiting for and you got to know what its like when an opportunity like this comes around! So please help !!!

Why is he so angry at me?

We're over, we never dated but he wanted me. He faked relationships, hangs out with his ex a lot (its one of the reasons I left). I am making fun of her and insulting her on twitter because 4 mnths ago he advised the police on me for insulting him and his friends (I didnt contact him but i did this cuz he stole my work and did the faking), and said never to message him again. He kept on stalking me in the 4 mnths, he did nude photography something i hinted while we were talking. Why is he so angry when i insulted her on twitter and said im looking for a bf of my own? He's furious.

---What should I do---?

oh man that's a shitty situation right there... okay well obviously you're a very nice and empathetic person so i don't think you would have any trouble making new friends, but i can still see how being the new kid always sucks.. You should at the very least just talk to your mother about it. Share your issues, feelings, concerns etc. and hopefully you can work something out that'll help the both of you :)

Red Faction Requirements?

I'm thinking about getting red faction armageddon, but do I need to have played 1, 2, or guerilla to understand the plot?

When did "heartthrob" punk group Urbana Gerila (Urban Guerilla) break up?

If they don't know who they are, they're a punk group from the Communist Illyrian Provinces. These details are for those who know who they are. Zoran "Cane" Kostic: The member that was a total heartthrob with millions of teenage girls. Slobodan "Loka" Nesovic: The Brad Pitt look-alike. What year did they break up?

Could Democracy be considered the worse form of government?

Hm. I might favor some sort of Republic where voting was an acquired right, periodically earned by some sort of test that showed a person's mental capacity and social awareness. The problem is administering that test, and somehow making sure it stayed not only current, but also "fair." We've seen in the past what happens when only an "elite" is allowed to vote. My system would allow the "informed" and "responsible" to vote, but I have no idea how you'd actually go about instituting and enforcing such a dramatic change.

Rate my yugioh deck.?

Its a bit all over the place but if you focused it a bit like taking out the swordsmen and adding stuff like treeborn frog and enemy controller.

What is your opinion of my video game collection?

Your collection is way way way way way way way bigger then the video games I have. I love your collection. You like sports and video games. I'd think your a woman after my own heart. Im jk. I'm thinking next time I visit Fl you should invite me over and I'll bring my games and we can make a day of it.

Bay of Pigs Invasion Help???????

Hi. I need some footage of actual guerrilla warfare fighting in the Bay of Pigs. Like real footage of the people fighting with each other, as long as it is on the ground. Please give links to the video :) thanks.

Are you a Che Guevara T-Shirt lover? Stop and Think.. Why?

The t-shirt is popular because of exceptional graphic design coupled with the popularity of Rage Against the Machine. Trust me, 90% of people who are wearing that t-shirt simply think it looks cool and rebellious. I don't believe for a second that they have any concept of South American socialist revolutions.

When will we arrest the oil companies for...?

You can not arrest a company. You need a little more education. (A little education is a dangerous thing.)

My gf told me that sperm is good for facial, is it true girl?

she told me that she try a few time and feel better, should i try it. i did oral for my bf and i swallow all his sperm is it healthy? pl advise, thank you.

Is my girlfriend using me?

I have been dating my girlfriend for a little over two years now and everything has been great overall. I'm a college student that is about to finish my senior year of college and she is in the middle of obtaining her associates degree and my parents have warned me about my situation and for a while. Shes a great partner that supports me and she is a dependent woman that works full time as while I work part time till i finish my last two college semesters. Since the beginning our relationship, we have worked together and have had some great memories, but lately since she has been in school it seems like she has been asking me to help her alot with home work and other things. I wasn't really worried about my situation at first because we have a good connection and she doesn't ask me for money or anything. Our sex has also been on a big decline since i have been home for the summer for some reason, and when i politely talked with her about it and she said their was no problems. I know she is not cheating on me, but I am just wondering if she has been using me because she knows that I will soon have a strong career. I love her soo much and I feel that she loves me to but I just don't want to risk getting into a future marriage that is a yo-yo relationship. will someone please give a third opinion on my situation.. any type of advise would help!

POLL: Are you skilled in guerrilla tactics?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Will the Air India air hostess guide me through immigration?

I'm 15 years old andI will be going to India through Air India with my 11 year old brother, because of my brother, we will need an air hostess. This is our first time going back to India so we don't have experience there. We travel to USA via airppane every summer, and it's fine.. But I have heard that the people in India will harass you at the airport to make money off of you. A lot of my friends akf family have been victims of this, so I am a bit worried. I go from Toronto to Delhi and do immigration in Delhi, then from Delhi to Ahmedabad. And there is only a 2 hour halt in Delhi. So if there is an air hostess that guides us through immigration, that would be great. Please let me know if the air hostess will help or if I should keep 100 rupees in my pocket to bribe the immigration people.. Lol.

Im 29yrs old & always tired and lazy?

I never want to do anything. I've been like this for a little over a year, and it seems to be getting worse. All I want to do is lay around in bed, I take naps a lot throughout the day and sometimes can't fall asleep at night because of all my naps. I have 4 kids who are not babies anymore, and while im in my lazy mode my husband will take care of them. I feel like I have no energy to do anything or even play with my kids,or take them to the park or pool or ride there bikes because I feel so tired. And from me feeling so tired I feel like im always sick, ill always say my stomach hurts or I have a headache or ant excuse. And im never in the mood to have sex because I feel exusted and no energy. I will be honest I don't take vitamins because im scared to swallow pills I ain't even take meds for a headache. I don't exercise. I do nothing but lay in bed and watch TV. I just stopped working 3months ago in April I got fired because I didn't want to do anything but sit around,i worked at that job for 15yrs.and I've tried to fix this problem and I can't. What can I do to fix this problem does anyone have any ideas? Please. I need to be here for my kids. I feel like that show hoarders or addicted but in a different sense im addicted to being lazy! Please someone give me some advise!

I have a serious problem regarding a female and need advise STAT, may you help me?

I am a musician and music producer in my late 30s and I am good at what I do. i have been working with a female vocalist and producer for about 3 years now. tonight we worked on a new song of mine and made tremendous progress. I mean she was almost jumping up and down with what we accomplished tonight. when we called it a night she looked me really seductively in my eyes and flat out said "I want to suck your co*k right now" and I was so shocked I could not respond. she is only 24 by the way. she is a hardcore atheist and I am a very spiritual person with many buddhist views. this woman is very talented and very very attractive and after a few minutes in shock I said no. well she grabbed her purse and keys and stomped off and slammed the door. I just think she is infatuated with my experience and not really interested in a relationship and my ethics just did not go well with the situation. I called her here just a few minutes ago and she agreed to finish working with me but she is pissed that I turned down her ummmmm... offer. when we go back to work should I just act normal as nothing happened or bring it up again and apologize or just forget it? Help!

I need urgent advise?

How could you possibly think that this big a player is even remotely a "good man"???? But you are where you are and now you have to face the consequences (btw...birth control might have been a good idea). You have a huge moral dilemma here and no one else, particularly strangers, can tell you what to do.

Should I cut my mom off for this?

I’m in my mid twenties and I’m not petite, nor fat, nor anywhere around obesity at all. I’m just a little curvy. Picture the women in the Haynes commercials. Well, that’s me except for a smaller stomach. I have curves that I’m very proud of and wouldn’t trade for anything. After all, in my opinion, that’s one of the things that makes a women right? Well, not in my mother’s eyes. She is very petite for her size. She’s all about appearance really. And she is constantly getting on me about my weight. In high school I use to be a little skinnier (no hips or breasts) and she wants me to be like I was (as she remembered me to be). At first I paid her no attention. After all it’s like I said. I wasn’t anywhere near fat at all. Just curvier. But then she started to do and say things. Once she told me when we were having a talk that she was embarrassed of me as her daughter whenever I came around her and her friends. She asked me how I would feel if she was like me and she came around me and my friends. I burst out into tears toward the harsh comment. Then she hugged me and apologized when I was trying to push her away for such a comment. But this is just the tip of the icing. She says other things. She said she would buy me a car but I had to lose the weight she requires first. She tries to bribe me in many ways. It’s so bad that if I’m in the kitchen and she comes in, I have to hurry and hide whatever I am fixing so she doesn’t say anything to me. At one point I was so depressed I completely STOPPED eating for like a week and on the 5th day she came to me and was like “you look good. Whatever your doing is working.” I told her I wasn’t eating and she was like “keep it up”. Every day she asks me the same question. Are you working out? She explains to me that I need to look good because I’m still single and no guy wants a girl like me. She tells me guys want skinny girls. I tell her that these things hurt my feelings but she doesn’t listen nor care. Because a couple of days later she is back to doing and saying things. This has sadly changed our relationship over the years. Lately it’s been bad and my boyfriend wants me to say something or he will. I tell him you can’t change a person and told him I was moving out. But he doesn’t think that will help sense she will call and I will still see her once in a while for Holidays. I don’t know what to do. I love my mother but being around her is KILLING my self esteem. I find the more time Im with her the more time I come down on myself for the way I look and this causes me to stay in and not want to be seen by others because of what she puts in my head. What to do? 

When can i take the SAT test and how should i prepare for it?

i just finished junior year and i'm going into my senior year of high school. i need to send my college applications in between this September-December so i'll be sure that i'll be eligible for most colleges in my state. when does the SAT start up again? i wanna get it done as soon as possible, and how should i prepare for it? I've never been very good at school especially when it comes to math (algebra and geometry) and essay writing for English...what can i do over the summer to prepare myself? advise? tips? oh! and is the SAT test hard? thanks!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What's wrong with me? Why do my classmates and friends reject me?

im the exactly same just because i was new last year but don't let them put you down what i did was make friends in other year groups that look up to you and when im with them i forget the other people, try it it works

Why would someone join the Army or Marines over other branches?

I know this may sound like a stupid question, and I have a ton of respect for the Army and Marines. But given that we're involved mostly in land-based guerilla wars, why would most people choose to join the Army or Marines rather than a branch that would involve less risk of physical and psychological trauma. Now, I know many wish to serve their country in active combat, which would make the Army the logical choice. But many I've met just want good career skills and money for college. So why not just join the coast guard or the Navy? Not that those guys aren't tough too.

How to create an account in google plus? plz advise. plz attach a link if dr is.?

The only way to make an account is to be invited, as of yesterday night invites have been closed due to large demand and abuse. Sorry I really wanted to be in Google+ as well.

Needing some advise, can anyone help me?

Iam 22 weeks pregnant with my second child (I did not experience this pain with my first child who is now 21 months old) I went to my ob-gyn and he dismissed it as the baby growing, I was still having sever pain, when I went up stairs, moved my left leg in any direction, trouble sleeping at night, stepped over anything, and having uncomfortable popping or clicking sound when I moved a certain way in my pubic bone. I went online looking for answers and I found Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. The symptoms were exactly what I have been experiencing. I am afraid if I tell my Obgyn that all he will say is I am wrong or something like that, I am just looking for answer in getting some relief. I feel like I am neglecting my 21 month old daughter and doing the things she loves, like going outside and to the park, but these activities make me hurt worse, what should I do?

Please helppp answer this question?

He could fire just above her head, then if she acts crazy, shoot to kill. The VC were bad about using women and kids to deliver bombs

Infected lymph node in groin?

I have suffered with cysts in my groin for months. I told my doctor as I had began to suffer with them behind my ears and on my face. He gave me a course of antibiotics and said if that doesn't work then there's not much else I can give u. Next to the cyst in my groin a long lump appeared and I thought the cyst had spread into a vein. I left it for about a month but then it became hard inflammed and very swollen. The doc has said I'm on a strong course of abtibiotics which I began on wed. For tge last week u have felt terrible. No energy, tired, a bit queezy and have the feeling that I'm losing my mind amd am not really here...if that makes sense! Three days in the infammation has gone down but the lymph is about an inch long and hard...will antibiotics get rid or do I need to be worried that its cancer? Any advise would be great thank u. :)

Why are we losing jobs?

An emotionally driven question without much thought before hand. If companies enter into a contract with other companies, entities, or individuals they each become parties of the first part (the entity named first on a list of such entities), parties of the second or third part etc. You might get the idea, particularly if you are a liberal and have a superior education to mine. We don't just have legislatures and executives we have courts as well which have to be able to sort out cases and make rulings according to law and consequentially some laws have to be written in consideration of this.

Online business Question.?

Today I bought a domain name, and already signed up with a web hosting site. My online business is a non-profit business. I DON'T accept any forms of currency. I simply give free advise. Do I need a business license for this. Again no profit is made by my company, at all. I built this business so I can help people make the right buying choice. (Please no negative comments). I need a serious answer. Thanks

Quick question about hair dye, easy 10 points?

my natural hair color is a light brown, for the past year I have been dying it a light blonde (not platinum) but a fair bit lighter with cheap $10 boxes from loreal. It works pretty well and i color it every 3-6 weeks to touch up roots and all. The thing is, i'm a bit sick of being blonde and I want to go darker brown, darker than my natural color. What would happen if I used a loreal brunette shade, would it not come out correctly? Because I know it's advised not to change shades drastically like that. What do I do? Do I wait? get it done professionally? Any and all answers are appreciated, thanks

Help My car battery keeps going out on me?

please Advise my car I had battery problem I got new battery but some how something is causing to drain my battery even thought the battery its only 3days old what can be the problem to kill my battery and i have to get a jump and some times while am driving the whole car just shuts off i got 2002 Nissan altima 2.5 thanks in advance

Any advise for pet with sticker infected paw?

Is there any home remedies or advice helpful for removing a sticker in a dogs' paw that's become infected ?Going to the vet tomorrow, but hoping to find something to allieviate pain tonight.

How do i get a guy that i like to want me in public?

i really want this guy to like me and want him to WANT me and i only see him in public which im hopin to get alone with him soon so any advise about how to get him to want me so much he cant stand it

Are there vehicles in Final Fantasy XIII?

I want to know if there any vehicles that you can drive like a car and I that bird doesn't count. Otherwise what are any that are open world and have vehicles like cars. I don't like LA Noire, Grand Theft Auto, Mafia II, or Red Faction:Guerilla.

How can I fix up my earth deck? Yugioh?

ok get a gaia power spell card as well as a rock spirit monster card and a turbo booster monster card and a bazoo the soul eater monster card.

Wow! Christians aren't persecuted anymore...?

The persecution is great around the world and increasing. Christians die every day for their beliefs and testimony. But we shouldn't trivialize the types of persecution in America and other such places - universities forced to cover the cross and other Christian emblems, mockery of Christ in the media/tv/movies/museums, the Bible mocked from a presidential podium, etc... The Jewish holocaust did not arise out of nowhere in full deadly force, it began with mere anti-Jewish sentiments and escalated from there as it took root in the German psyche. No amount of persecution should be taken lightly as we have learned from history

Rate my agent deck please?

For the agents, i suggest adding 2-3 Mars. Take out Miraculous Descent and Athena. Add another Hecatrice or two, take out Vortex and Mercury. Take out Fountain in the Sky, Magic Cylinder, and Venus for 2 more Valhalla and a 2nd Bottomless. Take out Burial, all the Divine Punishments, Marshmallon, and Magic Cylinder, and add some draw power: 3 Cards from the Sky and 3 Pot of Duality. Then, take out Tethys, Sakuretsu, and Swords and add 2-3 Nova Summoner. You can try to find room for a couple of Airknight Parshath if you want.Then, take out Bribe for Mirror Force. Find room for a Giant Trunade and a Book of Moon and then the deck will be just about as good as it can be with the cards out ATM.

Primary School And Bullying What Do You Do?

now this might not seem like the best advice, but my son is six years old and was being bullied, kinda had the same mind set of being scared to get in trouble at school. But sometimes it is ok to get in trouble when you are standing up to bullies, anyway, i told him if he gets in trouble for standing up to bullies he will be rewardedwhen he got home. Pluss we have watched hours and hours of ufc and other mma so... Anyway the bullying was stopped and there hasnt been any bullying since.

When did the US switch to guerrilla warfare in vietnam?

i need to know this for a us history project so if you know and have a good website for me to visit that would be great

I got a 1740 on my SAT the first try, what should I do over the summer to improve my score significantly?

If I work hard enough you guys think it's possible to raise my score to 1900-2000? What should I do? Much appreciated for advise btw.

How much should i charge for sexy feet pics?

Depends on the quality and quantity of the merchandise, really. I have a foot fetish, so I think I could offer a bit of perspective on this. How would you sell your pictures? How good is the photo quality? How much money do you intend to make off this? And, everyone has their own tastes but in general we look for the same thing, just how nice are your feet and modeling skills? If you feel you can trust me, email me. I can help you set up a price, but you need to answer the above questions for me. Nice of you to be entering the business! Lol

What is Red Faction? Should I Buy It?

Last week, I heard my friends talking about Red Faction. I looked it up on youtube and I found out it was a game and im not sure what you can do in the game? There is Red Faction: Armageddon and Red Faction: Guerilla what the difference? Could we play online? Should I buy it?

Help me with career advise?

I'm now an sponsored international student and major in Petroleum Engineering. When I graduate I have to come back and serve the company for 12 years. I believe my salary won't be high so I want to invest my time now with something else. Can you give me some advice. Double major maybe? But in what?

Help My Kitten Is Aggressive?

my kitten is really aggressive and attacks me. how can i get her to understand i wont hurt her. she wont move from behind my furniture. i posted a Q yesterday and people say give her time and bribe her with treats. the new kitten would rather run into a dog pen with a dog that wants to eat her than let me go near her. im struggling.

Pc Crash on Any windows, and any device?

I replaced a hard drive once and I'm actually still using it as backup. There was nothing wrong with the hard drive. The motherboard had a bulging capacitor and when I replaced the motherboard the HDD started working fine. Could be a possibility.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How can I get my puppy's poop to be solid.?

She's a german sheperd lab and I feed her ACTR1UM. It's the only food I can buy locally with no wheat or corn and isn't 90 dollars a bag. Her previous owner fed her ROYAL CANIN but the pet store advised not to. Is it just beccause I changed her food? How long will it last?

10 month old's cold/nasal congestion not getting better after 3 weeks, Please advise.?

I would give her the antibiotics, if she is having trouble breathing this cannot be comfortable or safe for her even if they don't work fully they may make it better for her. I'm sure you are trying to be a good parent by doing this but her body will still build up and immune system for it. I think it would make her more comfortable and much better, after all thats what they are for :) However it is totally up to you, you should be the one to decide! Hope she gets well soon :)

My machina deck rate fix improve?

Scrap recycler is a must for a machina gadget deck. It acts as a foolish burial. You need more draw cards. If price doesnt matter then get 3 pot of duality, they are around $150 each. If that doesnt float your boat go with gold sarcs. 2 solemn warning could replace your bottomless but again they are a little under $100 a piece. If your going to add these cards you should take out both solidarity. Their good, but not good enough to run at 2, so even if you dont add any cards i would take out one to cut the deck count down to 41. Also you need the cyber dragon fusions especially chimeratech fortress dragon. It doesnt require polymerization and it can fuse with your opponents monsters. But all in all a very good deck, the only thing i would do is add better draw cards and a scrap recycler.

Why couldn't beat Vietnam?

Do you mean North Vietnam? Because we've never fought the country of Vietnam. North Vietnam we fought and beat, forcing them to sign a peace treaty with the South. We didn't completely debilitate their capacity to wage war, which we probably should have done, but we achieved our political ends. Then the North violated the peace accords and the US Congress abandoned South Vietnam so the communists took over ... but the portion of the war we fought, we won.

I have infected Chlamydia recently, how can I eliminate the symptom radically?Help!?

I feel burning and sore when I am peeing, and I have frequent urination and urgent urination, I listen to my doctor's advise and I have taken in some drugs which are prescribed from him, but, I haven't recovered. It is really very painful , I hope I can get the most effective solution from the net friend,please help me!

Minecraft- civil war?

ok so heres the deal. i had my own private server when some popular kids from my school decided to hack it kick me off as admin and have it for themselves. luckily i know how to mod and they dont so i retaliated and started to grief there stuff as like a guerilla warfare type of thing. luckily the phoney admin dosnt know how to ban. my goal is to push those invaders out. i also got some of my pals from /b/ and /v/ to assist. any advice on tacics and how to cripple them once and for all?

Rate/Fix my Yu-Gi-Oh Ancient Gear Deck?

Toss out an MST, throw in a Double Cyclone, use that to destroy Geartown and an enemy spell/trap, bring out the dragon for some heavy hitting.

The style of warfare of the Asian Theater in WWII can be characterized as ...?

Depends on the "front" you are talking about ... but for the Americans vs. Japanese is was Island hopping.

Why does my dog run away from me?

Put your little darling on a long leash and train her to stay,and come.Treats and praise,she'll learn.Get some books on training,it helps to understand how a dogs mind works. Good Luck

I shall buy a xbox or a ps3?

I would suggest buying a ps3 because it is free to play online and the xbox costs $50+ a year to play online.

New and ethical ways of marketing a drug to doctors...please help...?

Im doing a project for a pharma company...The marketing head wants me to give some recommendations (out of the box thinking) to market their drug to the doctors...These recommendations have to be new and not conventional ways of marketing and also ethical (no forms of inducement and bribes)...Some ethical way of getting the doctors to write the drug...All the recommendations that are coming into my head are already being used or are forms of inducement....Please help me with the recommendations...The recommendations i provide will be instrumental in my getting the job i desire in the company...Please help...

L'Oreal Paris True Match Foundation (Reviews)?

Okay so recently (yesterday) i asked the whats is a good foundation to use. And i got great advise :) thanks guys but i made a u turn and brought L'Oreal True Match Foundation Compact and it works so great! Not as much coverage that i wanted but it has no feel and no smell. Like i couldn't tell it was there. My skin looks and feels flawless! I recommend it to anybody! :) And I'am a female of color

Why do we pronounce "Guerrilla Warfare" like?

In Spanish, it would be somewhat like ge-ri-ya. Foreign words are rarely pronounced accurately when adopted in another language. This is because the 2nd language doesn't have the same phonemes (linguistic sounds) as the one that the word came from. There are at least 2 phonemes in the Spanish word "guerrilla" that don't exist in English, so we approximate the sounds.

I am so over tired anf stressful living in Toronto, i want to leave everything behind, and start new life V?

I am international student in Canada, living in Toronto. I am graduating in this Summer. But I am so tired, and stressful living in Toronto. I just want to leave all behind and start new life in Vancouver. Please give me some advises, how to settle in Vancouver, and how difficult to find a jobs related to Computer Engineering as my field of study. I don't have a lot of money, but I am hard working.

Why did Liberal Marxists start the wildfire in Arizona?

Karl Marx and Chairman Mao both spoke about it in their books - that making fun of Y!A conservatives is part of a Communist's duty ;) No, jk. You're fun, though.

Edwina has been living with her parents since she graduated from college about 2 years ago. Because her parent?

If Edwina has a stable job she plans to keep and does not think she will have to quit or be laid off, she *could* take out a small loan. She should pay $3,000 cash and get a loan for $1500 and try to buy her uncle's car if she knows its in good condition. She should get a full car inspection on in first though ($100-$400 or so, but worth it!) so she can make sure she is buying a quality car! If there are things wrong with it, she should haggle with him to lower the price.

Can anyone suggest me some best permanent hair straightening parlours in Chennai. SALOON?

I have no idea since this is a first time for me …my hair will be always frizzy ,curly…unmanageable . I need to get BEST solution. I heard some people saying that do not do that because you hair will be more ugly some days after having straightened . Any one Please advise …. I need it !!!!

Can you help me with my sexuality?

I'm a girl and I'm attracted to girls and boys. But I don't want to be bisexual its making life hard. But everyone keeps telling me that I can't deny my sexuality. Can you just give me some good advise or encouraging words.

Military Marriage Fraud?

Well honestly, being a military wife here, he actually benefits more from it then she does. All she gets is a slightly bigger check and bah(provided she has an apartment or house outside of base and they live together). No matter the case, he needs to go to legal on base and talk to them about this.

Can a hard money lender sue a transaction coordinator for a loan agent?

the private money lender is suing the office coordinator because she spoke with the clients the most the clients commited fraud by obtaining a secert second ,the lender says the coordinator had knowledge of the second which she didnt her name is no where since she was not the loan agent please advise what she should do or what is her defense

Guys is giving gift to university instructure sounds like bribe!?

i have this university class which i really feel afraid with failing it , i decided to buy a gift for my teacher not exactly because then she gave me some extra point , but to make her softer about me ! what do you think about it !

What do you think of my video game collection?

very....well rounded? have you actually played all those or are you still working through that list!

Neighbor's construction dilemma. HELP!?

This has nothing to do with the police, it's not a crime, at most it's a building code violation. Report them to the county building department. If it is against code they will be forced to remove it or risk getting fined on a daily basis.

Best open world games for 360?

You've already played the best, Oblivion, Mass Effect 1/2. Mercenaries 2 is also very good its 2 or 3 years old but still good. L.A. Noire is really fun, you get to be a cop and solve big murder mysteries but also get to do smaller crimes like robberies, assault, high speed chases, it's a lot of fun. The best thing I think you can do now is wait for Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim on 11.11.11.

I have a question about red faction armageddon and operation flashpoint red river?

Operation Flashpoint is extremely customizable there is a lot of stuff you can do but as for Armageddon it takes place underground so there is not that same open world feel that was in Guerrilla. Hope this answers your question.

How can i make time pass by until im 18 to have my tattoo removed?

well yeah hi, im only 14 and i know that im a ******* idiot iv had enough ebuse of you lot but iv got a tattoo. yes i regret it but i want good advise so right the tattoo shop that my sistet is going to a man that works there is having some of his sleeve removed so please help me i want mine removed so the mans going to ask tge man that removes them if he can do mine but my tattoo is a cover up of my name my name was i read and then i had it covered with black ink so can it still be moved???? cause reds been covered up with black but it should work yeah because its a new laser it dosent scar and apparently it takes the ink out without doin it colour by colour but if i cant have it removed then what can i do to pass time unt i am 16 please help guys :) x

Freedom Fighters or Terrorists?

I'm talking about the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. Many people haven't even heard of the crazy **** that's going on down their. One point of view is basically the Minority population (Tamils) support a terrorist group called the Tamil Tigers, and the population should be "cleansed" of these civilians and their guerrilla. The second view is that the Majority population (Sinhalese) are oppressing the Minority group, and the President creates law criminalizing the Tamils for being Tamil. He started a raging Genocide with all sorts of weapons and attacks (ex. tanks, chemical weapons, hanging, rape). To summarize this it is either terrorists vs. government OR freedom fighters/rebel group vs. government initiated genocide. What do you think?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Could you help me with my packing list?

Hi there!I'm traveling to Switzerland next week and I haven't packed yet.I wanna ask you if there things I MUST take on my trip?I am there for 2 and a half weeks and this is my first international travel(I will be alone).Any advises are welcome!Thanks for your time!:)

Anyone out there have any experience with a push cart hot dog stand?

i am thinking about opening a push cart hot dog stand. anyone ever do it? i need advise and research

Printing pictures from Google images?

I am looking on google images for images for my son to print for a school project could anyone advise me what I do to get a picture to fill an a4 page please

Would you date someone online if?

ok so iv been talking to this guy online for a few weeks now and we text each other too we live local to each other and seem to get on well he has asked me if i would date him but i am very worried about dateing someone i met on the internet he has told me he is in a wheelchair and has very slight learning disablity would you let any of this put you off im so confused and dont no what to do really need some advise please.

Happiness vs. Relationship?

first, i am felling sorry for you coz you are in such a situation. you are thinking of moving into the relationship with the second man, thats okay. but think of one thing first, what was the the thing that made you fall in love with your current bf? they were the same, more or less i guess? so think first, then take your decision. if you want to change your bf, then its upto you. but make sure that its not gonna hurt you more than now.

Why is everything in chaos !?

India is totally corrupt pothole .. I agree common people are very nice n helpful and but they themselves dun care bout their own place ... they talk shlt bout goverment ... they say government do that, it does this ... and what bout them ... they know neither bout their own country nor bout the world ... they think that their government work would be done through bribe ... and they want corruption to be eliminated ... why dun they work themselves to keep their country clean and corruption free ... how many people fought against the givin n takin bribes !!!!!!!!! and they want the country to be developed ... is it possible that way !! If u people want ur country to be developed than u should do something on ur own .... dun expect Anna or person like Ramdev wud do that ... they really can't ... cuz whatever the fight is to be fought, it's done by u only ...

This question for ladies and I need an advise on this !?

Well am going thru a difficult time atm! Prob is tht I've beem single for a while now almost 2 years! I find it very difficult to approach any females these days! And even if I do approach them nicely in clubs , malls , beaches I get rejected! Am always been confident well dressed sophisticated and descent but its not working, am not a bad looking either if anyone wants to look at my pics I can inbox them to advise me! But the prob remains unsolved tht y am getting unluky, 2 years no relation isn't it too much? pls advise wht am I suppose to do? And how shall I get over this... Started getting worried abt myself may b sumthing wrong with me..

What is your opinion of my video game collection?

Intense. You must be going blind mate. All those games, your pocket must be fat! Stop wanking to all those porn!

Nearly ready to pop, a few last questions, advice please?

Im 35wks and now everyone's asking me if I'm going to breastfeed.I really want too, but I'm going to be a single mum, and would love to express milk and feed her, but my mum recons it would be very very difficult for me to do it and said she advises me to bottle feed. Any advice on it?

I am disabled and couldn't afford to pay my outstanding parking tickets. Now I can't get a DL in my new state.?

the law is, disabled or NOT you have to pay them, you made an offer and they have the right to not accept it......there is no other options, not my opinion just the facts,



How do I get him to shower regularly?

Try and interesting him into new ways he could take shower this will sound stupid but people nowadays think that taking a shower has become boring...

Advise my family is not understanding!!?

me and my bro want to join swimming classes as we r having summer holidays..we have swimming experience there is a coach over there too but they don't allow us to go they don't even allow us to go in anearby park..i m 19 years old and my bro is it's tym for my university nw as i m done with my high school but for uni one need to prepare for entry test even if u hve good grades and for entry test we have to go to other city..that other city is just at a drive of 2 hours away from here but my parenst are not letting me go there i donno y.. i tried to ask them a several times the reason for having restrictions upon us but thye neva give any satisfied answer..they even never reply to our answers and if we even say them we want to go outside they ignore us and often says that their children are saying them to let us go to university bad?is going to swimming bad?i tried to make them understand the things several times but they don' they r very rich people not poor that they can't afford our studies..please give an advise

Movie about a fake hotel inspector?

if it's a black and whaite movie (and not the racist kind :) lol) then i think it's room service, by the Marks Brothers

Did the Waffen SS fight a Guerrilla War in post war Russia?

Some citizens of the USSR signed up and served in a pro-German army after the Germans occupied their parts of the USSR. These elements generally fought on after Germany's surrender, knowning their fate if the Soviets caught them. To its disgrace (and probable action by crypto-communist elements in the USA), those captured by the US Army were turned over to the Soviets.

Help with nails please?

Hii. So i like to do my own nails at home. They dont last very long on my nails though. I dont paint over them when im done doing it the first time. Any suggestions? Also could it have something to do with the nails polish im using? Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated. I want my nails to look like i got them done from the salon. Thanks in advance.

My machina deck (i know i know)?

a real dueling deck is 40not 42 get rid of two cards you dont need.its a 1. have away drak bribe you dont need i doubt with tarp stun i know there not real yugioh cards in then show ive never seen those cards.

Philosophy and the environment?

The Civil society, Administration and the Government are supposed to be 'wiser' than individuals to make decisions. If they do not see the importance of environment, then there are democratic ways of protesting and fighting against injustice. Ethical protest is what ought to be, peaceful protest is what is ethical and morale, violence is barbaric, uncivilisation and is to be avoided. There are other examples in the world where people protested cutting trees in peaceful and democratic manner, an example is the 'Chipko' movement in India. People hugged the trees when they came to cut, and the movement succeeded.

Im 16 and really want a baby, advise please?

im 16 years old and have a boyfriend been with him for seven months he wants a baby to but not to next year his says and i m fine with that but i really want a baby now..... advise pleaseee:)?

Why is there so much hate against theists/ religion on here?

They're constantly posting off topic, insulting, stupid questions. This annoys me. If they act like a decent human being to me, I act like a decent human being back.

What PS3 games should I add to my gaming library?

Big library lol. For me that is since I only have 10 games lmao. Well, surprisingly you dont have Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots. Really good game bro, you wont be disappointed. LA Noire is good as well. Resistance series are pretty good too. Get Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3. Killzone 3 is hella good.

Good face washes for sensitive oily skin?!? ?

I don't brake out much I am only 13 but when I do break out it's bad and it leaves scares I have sensitive skin so I don't wash my face much or else I break out I have an oily t zone and that's were I usually break out I get mostly white heads and big pimples I have tried a lot of stuff and it just makes me break out so I need a good face wash to get rid of my pimples and oilyness before school starts and before it gets any worse any advise or good facewashs to help please!?!?

Good open world games.?

I like open world games. For your information, open world games a nonlinear games that do not require you to take a certain path to get to an objective, and normally you can ignore a mission for a while and have fun elsewhere in the large map. I already have Red Faction Guerrilla, San Andreas, Borderlands, Just Cause, Just Cause 2, and Red Dead Redemption. If anyone can recommend any open world games, please post them

New and ethical ways of marketing a drug to doctors...please help...?

Im doing a project for a pharma company...The marketing head wants me to give some recommendations (out of the box thinking) to market their drug to the doctors...These recommendations have to be new and not conventional ways of marketing and also ethical (no forms of inducement and bribes)...All the recommendations that are coming into my head are already being used or are forms of inducement....Please help me with the recommendations...The recommendations i provide will be instrumental in my getting the job i desire in the company...Please help...

What can i mix my english bulldog with?

Hello all i own a male english bull dog that is about 10 months old and after he turned a year old I am thinking of breeding him to get another dog. I love my english bulldog but i believe he's too big and very mischievous. I am thinking to cross breed with another smaller dog so can anyone give me any advise on which smaller dog should i breed with. I want to hear your experiences on mixing english bulldog breed. it doesnt matter if its smaller or bigger as long as its healthy please feel free to share your thoughts. Thanks in advance.

South Park’ jihadi was ‘08 Obama volunteer,any surprise here?

More proof that Bin Laden's death was faked by the government--just like 911 (which was caused by Barack Obama) and his so-called birth certificate, which is a proven fradulent document.

What are some REALLY good pranks?

We are studying Guerrilla Warfare in school, and our teacher said he is going to be pranking us. So, we decided to get him before he gets us. We are going to be pranking him almost every day, leading up to a big, really good, prank at the end of the year. So does anyone have any good pranks? Big and Small are all needed! Please nothing that can get him seriously injured or stain his clothes. Thanks!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Should I stay? Adults only please!?

Well, this may be long, but if there's anyone out there that has would be greatly appreciated. - really need an unbiased opinion. I am a 34 year old divorced woman, and a mother to 2 small children, both from ex-husband. I have been divorced 5 yrs and have been in one other serious relationship other than the one I'm currently in. I have been with the man I'm with now for 2 yrs. It has not been easy right from the very beginning, our relationship has been Passionate, and extremely sexually fulfilling,he is very strong (in the mental sense), he's determined and motivated to succeed. I love him with every inch of my soul. On the flip side, we are from 2 completely different worlds, we are completely opposite on so many levels, like night and day. This man has the power to make me feel like I'm floating, and then can make me feel like I'm non-existant and futile, I've have more if anyone's interested, and would like to listen, then offer advise. Pls feel free to respond. I need to make sure I'm not loosing my mind.

How do i tell him I don't love him and i want a divorce?

Since i am not in love with my husband of over 18 yrs, i moved out - it was very hard because i felt sorry and i still feel very bad, he is very obsessed with me and refuses to believe that i don't luv him, I have left him many times and end up going back, he has many problems with his daughter who is abusing drugs, we were giving custody of her two children 6yr old boy and 11 yr old girl but because of all my stepdaughter put me thru and still does i am not willing to continue to take care of the kids and continue married with someone i don't luv because of the children, I just found out that they are to TPR of both parents, that means my husband has to raise the kids. Since i have moved out he constantly Comes over and always wants me to go to the house & stay with him, i have stayed at times to avoid problems and help with the kids but he ends up wanting to have sex and i hate when he touches me! And since i had it I don't want to continue to deal with him, he continues to tell me to pray to God and not give up on our marriage B cause we were married by church, how do i tell him its over, I am very afraid of what he will do or how he will react. and of course I feel so bad for him BUT DON"T LUV him! please help with ur advise.

Should I use a chavvy name whilst job-hunting?

Elizabeth would be best, my dear, because Kylie might make some people think of Kylie Minogue which might not be a good thing.

What is the best website for Halong Bay cruises?

I know Mr. Darian who is a specialist for cruises in Halong Bay. He may help you! You can check out his website at:

Why have the progressives rejected classic liberalism and embraced true fascism?

no Democracy can long survive the public discovering they can vote themselves a share of the treasury. that's why our Founding Fathers gave us a Republic. it morphed into a democracy over time

Dark bribe and union/crystal beasts?

i know i can mst them when they equip/move to back row but can i like dark bribe gearframe or something like i dont get it. if it gets moved to the backrow isn't it being played and activated? cuz iv'e never heard of a card that gets played and not summoned/activated.

What is proper punishment for police officers who commit crime on duty?

The normal punishment for whatever the crime was, plus ten years for violating the public trust. I don't only apply that to police. I apply that to anybody who is paid with taxpayer money.

What is the significance of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu?

The battle of Dien Bien Phu crippled the French in Vietnam. The French were fighting a loosing war there and this battle was the straw that broke the camel's back. The French got slaughtered at Dien Bien Phu and were soon out of Vietnam all together after this historic battle. Another thing I see with this battle is the French learned that when fighting different opponents their style of trench warfare would not work like it had in the First and Second World Wars. The Vietcong's hit and run tactics against a less mobile French force proved horrific for the French. The French learned that the war they were fighting could not be won. The French's style of warfare would not work in the jungles of Vietnam and the Vietcong used their knowledge of the land and the use of tunnels for supply and sneak attacks that the French could not prepare themselves for.

Should i mix baby cereal and prunes to avoid constipation?

I gave my son alittle bit of gerber organic brown rice cereal like the baby bullet recipe book advised for his first food mixed with breast milk. It looked like his normal milk, very thin. But he stopped pooping so I stopped giving it to him 2 days later he pooped and I haven't tried again since but he still only poops once a day now which isn't normal he usually poops ALOT. I've been reading online it's ok to mix pureed food with cereal for the first time...I wondered if prunes would help with the constipation if I pureed them and added them somehow? Thanks!

Which communist icon is on this tshirt?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to get my four year old to stay still for photographs?

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned super glue. But to be slightly more serious, snatch shots in unguarded moments can be just as good as carefully posed shots and obviously so much better for it.

Do doctors in america accept bribes ?

i know it was only in a movie (the hangover), but i was shocked to see it happen in a movie , so i was wondering if it's true in real life ? do they accept bribes regardless of the fact that they're supposedly well paid ???

How come Military Superpowers are always viewed as failing to adopt to guerrilla warfare/insurgencies?

Britain defeated the Boer commandoes,who were conducting a guerrilla war from March 1900 until the end of the war in May 1902, and the Communist guerrillas in Malaya during the Malaya Emergency of 1948-1960. Both times,the British military adapted to the terrain,the enemy tactics,and the situation to eventually win the conflict.

Dog randomly wont come out of crate... help!?

My dog is a female maltese/poodle, 3 years old. She is fixed. She has never had any behavior problems in her life, but today I came inside and she is laying in her kennel with the door open. Usually she sits on the couch so this was odd, and when I tried to get her to leave she would not move. I bribed her with treats, which she ate if put in front of her, but would not move to get them (extremely out of character). She looks very tired and not like herself, but was normal earlier this morning. She has not been outside yet today, so no chance of eating something foreign. She is not hurt, as she stood up when i tried to get her out. She only usually goes in the kennel at nighttime to sleep. Any ideas as to what is wrong with her or suggestions? I have tried petting her, calling her, pulling the pillow she sleeps on out with her on it, but she will not move!

Men...when your woman whines about doing the washing up...?

do you bribe her with cash and favours...or just chain her to the sink til she's done and let her iron your boxers as a reward...?

Should i cut my mom off for this? Please read. Im dying for an opinion?

I’m in my mid twenties and I’m not petite, nor fat, nor anywhere around obesity at all. I’m just a little curvy. Picture the women in the Haynes commercials. Well, that’s me except for a smaller stomach. I have curves that I’m very proud of and wouldn’t trade for anything. After all, in my opinion, that’s one of the things that makes a women right? Well, not in my mother’s eyes. She is very petite for her size. She’s all about appearance really. And she is constantly getting on me about my weight. In high school I use to be a little skinnier (no hips or breasts) and she wants me to be like I was (as she remembered me to be). At first I paid her no attention. After all it’s like I said. I wasn’t anywhere near fat at all. Just curvier. But then she started to do and say things. Once she told me when we were having a talk that she was embarrassed of me as her daughter whenever I came around her and her friends. She asked me how I would feel if she was like me and she came around me and my friends. I burst out into tears toward the harsh comment. Then she hugged me and apologized when I was trying to push her away for such a comment. But this is just the tip of the icing. She says other things. She said she would buy me a car but I had to lose the weight she requires first. She tries to bribe me in many ways. It’s so bad that if I’m in the kitchen and she comes in, I have to hurry and hide whatever I am fixing so she doesn’t say anything to me. At one point I was so depressed I completely STOPPED eating for like a week and on the 5th day she came to me and was like “you look good. Whatever your doing is working.” I told her I wasn’t eating and she was like “keep it up”. Every day she asks me the same question. Are you working out? She explains to me that I need to look good because I’m still single and no guy wants a girl like me. She tells me guys want skinny girls. I tell her that these things hurt my feelings but she doesn’t listen nor care. Because a couple of days later she is back to doing and saying things. This has sadly changed our relationship over the years. Lately it’s been bad and my boyfriend wants me to say something or he will. I tell him you can’t change a person and told him I was moving out. But he doesn’t think that will help sense she will call and I will still see her once in a while for Holidays. I don’t know what to do. I love my mother but being around her is KILLING my self esteem. I find the more time Im with her the more time I come down on myself for the way I look and this causes me to stay in and not want to be seen by others because of what she puts in my head. What to do?

Good Steam (PC) game with lots to do outside combat?

A great sandbox game I love is Terraria. It is a sidescroller and there is tons to do! There is a little fighting, and monsters come out at night. Imagine Minecraft (if you have ever played it) with a Mario sidescroller. It is pretty fun and worth $9!

Yu-gi-oh deck! (help me make it better)?

You're missing a magic card that prevents your monster from being destroyed plus the trap card Double Tag Team which lets you bring out 2 Gladiator Beasts for one tag out. Also, why Stardust? You don't need Synchros in a Glad Beast deck. Just the fusions and and defensive cards.

Can you sue for mistaken identity?

Police Officers lurked around my house on a tuesday night, due to criminal activity in my area. I came out my house to find out why...they ran my license and told me they were just making sure, following proper protocol. The next day, I come home from work and they now have a search warrant and now have arrested me, linking me to the criminal activities in the area, along with similar cases that were going on for a few weeks. They advised me this has been an ongoing investigation, and they have set up surveillance around my house. Now, mind you they had a description of the suspect, in which matches mine a little, but they came to my house the night before, but no arrest. So now you come back the next day and i'm accused of the crimes. You found no evidence, linking me, just my description, which favors many...and you have caused me to miss maybe about 5 days of work, you have my name in the papers as if you really got your guy (humiliation) and your holding me on 1/2 million dollar bail. The reason I ask if able to sue, because obviously as the night progressed you have created a case against me with no proof, and you have also said dogs led you to my location. One important factor here, that i didn't mention...the time of the crimes, i was working! My supervisor is able to testify that and provide proof. Shouldn't you have a little more proof than a description before you make your arrest?

How would England Recover from a very violent ww3 guerrilla warfare?

As in like. How would england recover from a very bad attack by offenders. and i am not talking about normal attacks or riots im talking about offenders having RPG-7 and AK47 and molotovs and than M9's and knives Cars mounted with Machine guns and trucks being used as support for the offenders. Well you get the point. Is there a way that England would recover from this type of attack? and for anyone thinking i am going to do this are stupid. Of course i wont do this =/

What can I do to get more retail traffic to my site?

I've opened up a fairly large online retail site ( ) 2 weeks ago. Over those 2 weeks I've taken a few orders but not as many as I would like. I have submitted the site ( ) to all of the major SE's and have been listed. I'm now looking for some advise on how I can get more traffic flowing. The site offers over 215 thousand items at extremely low prices. The site has been crawled by google but when I type an item in and run a shopping search on google my site does not come up for the item. Maybe google did not crawl each item page and only the mail page? Any help would be great!

Sneaking into Warped Tour?

You'll have no way of getting in. They'll have alot of security. I think if you get caught you'll probably only get a fine.

My parents dont know i like Yaoi D:?

Ive been reading and watching Yaoi since i was 14 and i was very careful so my parents wouldn't know. My mom would think it was weird but wouldn't care much but my Dad would seriously think i was messed up. He doesn't like gay or lesbian people because he was raised that way. Im afraid that if he ever found out hed disown me or find it hard to talk to me Q.Q I cant stop being into Yaoi its too difficult, any advise anybody? D:

Medical-rib injury healing process and precautions to be taken?

I tripped and fell down,hitting a hard face of the parking space.I get pain in upper portion of rib,when i lie down or get up,cough and sneeze.Doctor says no X-ray is required.He advises rest.How long this pain will last?I am walking as usual but stopped exercises/yoga/deep breathing.Is it cold therapy recommended to speed up the process of healing?

Red Faction: Armageddon or Portal 2?

I haven't played Red Faction: Armageddon, but I thought Portal 2 was extremely fun. It's especially great if you've played the first one, but it's great either way. I personally didn't find any major flaws with the game. You can play it single player or co-op, too, which is very cool. I would buy Portal over Red Faction.

Yellow Light Of Death issue?

Ok, I know all the risk & stuff with Yellow Light Of Death, but come on! My 80GB MGS4 Bundled PS3 that is backwards compatible system just got it! I just ned any advice on getting my game "Red Faction Guerrilla" out of my system? I got a extended warranty on my system but I just want to salvage my game without voiding warranty.

Can you advise your doctor on what treatment you should receive?

Yes u can. But they will prob. Choose the medicine. They will def. Listen though if u think u know what's wrong. That's a good thing

Want your advise about tattoo?

I've just turned to 15 and i really want to get some tattoo, but I'm afraid of when ill grow up(maybe 5-6 cm more, anyway hope so) wont be it deformed or something kind of that? would you suggest to do it or not? (please, don't say that ill never can change it or something like that, i already know it.. )

Potty training problem, son is almost 4 - please help!?

what does he do if you leave him naked, or at least bottomless? mine is 2 and it worked wonderfully with him. having a potty chair in the same room as you can help too, then once he's doing it in there move it closer to the bathroom, then in the bathroom, then have a potty seat on the toilet. we also did a sticker chart with two different sized stickers, he got to put a little one on the chart if he peed, and a BIG one on if he pooped, pretty soon he was trying to pee or poop all the time just to put a sticker on the chart.

Edwina has been living with her parents since she graduated from college about 2 years ago. Because her parent?

In my opinion - and this is just me- I believe it really all depends in if Edwina is saving up for something, like a house or her own apartment, and how much her parents charge her for her room. As a case of my point, if Edwina was saving up for her apartment, she would like to take out a loan, otherwise her savings would be almost absolutely gone, and so we would not wish for that to happen, would we? But if Edwina only plans on living with her parents, she might be able to pay for the car herself. After all, that leaves $500.00 for her. Now, if she was to stay with her parents - and let us asume she does indeed- then we might need to know what they ask of her to pay for her room, because she needs money for clothes, gas, emergencies, food, recreation, etc. And if her parents asked 500$ or more of her, she should get out a loan. If they ask for less than $500 dollars, i believe she'd be fine paying on her own.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Did i give my daughter rice cereal too early?

Change of diet must be giving loose stools, she is refusing her bottle, cuz she not hungry. same with spitting up.

Want to be happy organising my wedding, but friends are a drain?

I am trying to organise my wedding. It is a happy time of my life. Thing is that some of my friends are going through tough times in their relationships. Normally I am the agony aunt who listens and advises. But at the moment I am being pulled many ways and they are making me feel drained and down. I actually don't want to speak or deal with any of them, but that would be extreme. I am also getting short with them and hurt some friends by speaking the frank truth (after they had asked me for the zillionth time what do do). It has thrown me into a spin now. Why can't they just say they are great when i ask them instead of going into a tangent of heavy problems (and some are real heavy). I am middle aged and feel disappointed I have ended up with such friends that when it was their marriages I was nothing but supportive.Help!

20 month old and potty training?

20 months is still a little bit early for potty training. Most don't potty train till they are over 2 to almost 3. Just be patient, don't force her, and eventually she will actually show interest in the potty.

Why does my gaming computer still lag?

Dust off you're fan a fan is very crucial to the heat of your computer which leads to how well it runs

Rate my Gladiator Beast deck?

Replace E-Hero prisma with Sangan. Put Shield-Spear and take outthat Waboku. Overall well-Balanced but I seriously need a stardust Dragon.

Anyone got any ideas of what I can eat to stop morning sickness?

I get sickness all day. Can anyone advise what I should eat? I've heard people mention crackers. What type of crackers? x

Im 29yrs old & always tired and lazy?

I never want to do anything. I've been like this for a little over a year, and it seems to be getting worse. All I want to do is lay around in bed, I take naps a lot throughout the day and sometimes can't fall asleep at night because of all my naps. I have 4 kids who are not babies anymore, and while im in my lazy mode my husband will take care of them. I feel like I have no energy to do anything or even play with my kids,or take them to the park or pool or ride there bikes because I feel so tired. And from me feeling so tired I feel like im always sick, ill always say my stomach hurts or I have a headache or ant excuse. And im never in the mood to have sex because I feel exusted and no energy. I will be honest I don't take vitamins because im scared to swallow pills I ain't even take meds for a headache. I don't exercise. I do nothing but lay in bed and watch TV. I just stopped working 3months ago in April I got fired because I didn't want to do anything but sit around,i worked at that job for 15yrs.and I've tried to fix this problem and I can't. What can I do to fix this problem does anyone have any ideas? Please. I need to be here for my kids. I feel like that show hoarders or addicted but in a different sense im addicted to being lazy! Please someone give me some advise!

Young Christians I really need help with this please and thank you?

I do not like to ask or receive help because it is embarrassing for me. When my friends and family advise me not to do something, the first thing i do is try to find out why i can't do and do it, so I learn the hard why not to do something. My grades and a lot of other aspects of my life have suffered from my stubborn behavior and pride. What prayers should I pray to become humble enough to admit when I am wrong, ask for help, receive help willing, and to listen to others advice instead of pursuing the things people warn me not to do?

Which combination is a better buy?

I'm not so much as comparing them as I am just asking which of these two combinations is better. So its Red Faction Guerilla and Darksiders, or Dead Space 1+2? Which is better?

I want to know if this is a good beginning to a story?

Honestly, I didn't think it was very good. There were a lot of spelling, puncuation, grammar errors and Lack of detail. I had no idea what was going on and who were the characters but then again, I didn't bothered to finish the whole piece.

Can't we all agree that Weiner needed to resign?

He didn't have to resign. He didn't break the law, and 56 percent of the people in his district supported him and wanted him to stay.

How can I make my wrinkly eyes, eye shadows, puffyness and crows feet begone?

I am 24 years old, been working late nights, been rubbing my eyes diligently because they itch, I have deep shadows under my eyes, eye wrinkles, crows feet, puffiness and so forth, I want to eliminate or possibly reduce them to the fullest extent. If anyone can recommend me a powerful remedy that I'd gladly appreciated. My eyes looks like they survived an epic battle with the power rangers, that's how messed up they are. Someone advise me to put vitamin e lotion on but I am skeptical of it's effectiveness.. Is there any superb anti aging eye wrinkle cream? Hence I'm not looking for concealers I want a permanent solution to this problematic situation.. Thanx in advance...... Am not looking for a under eye concealer as for I want to remedy this problem forever.

When the Devil appeared to me as Elvis singing a rockin' song and inviting me to a party I almost fell for it?

He wants me to join his legions bad. He knows that if I help him we candefeat the Angels forces in a guerilla action. What kind of tricks will he try next to recruit me?

Paintball tournaments tips?

Yes it has realy happen vincenzo finly bought a painball marker I have a wgp synergy(not to bad) and my smart parts ion I have a velocity hopper(geting speed feed) and 46/3000 guerrilla air tank(geting a 68/4500 air american tank) and a 6 and 1 pod pack(I'm not runing remote)and I'm going to a tornament(I belive its woodsball) so i have to ask some questions its more then likely going to be center flag so I need some tips on that also and this one I have to know are air american tanks carbon fiber or steelys and also r the markers good set ups for this type of game? also the ion has a drop asa and clanping feed neck so is the tank going to be good for me I'm 5 foot 1 so I play small

How to get this hairstyle? picture**?

tease the hair on the top of your head towards the back so that you get that little pouf of volume and use a curling wand thing to curl your hair vertically. Hot rollers would work well to but you'd have to put them i tightly. Use LOADS of hair spray lol :) if you use the curling wand then spray your hair while it is BEING CURLED. if you don't know how to tease your hair there are plenty of videos on you tube.

Do i need an audio or av receiver if i want sound from both tv and blu ray player?

i'm thinking about getting an 3d hdtv, blu ray player, and a 5.1 speaker system. here are the items i'm looking at: VIZIO VBR133, Yamaha NS-SP1800BL, and VIZIO E3D420VX. do i need a audio or av reciever? i'm not ever going to add anything else to this (e.g. xbox, ps3, etc). if i need one can you advise me on a good cheap unit? thanks.

How was the Battle of Tet a loss?

In the Battle of Tet, Northern Vietcong decided to attack Southern Vietnamese cities. We not only successfully defended these cities from invasion, but killed the Vietcong's' most elite troops in the process. Now I know this was the first battle we ever fought where we were at the receiving end of Guerrilla Warfare, but in every single rule of battle, if you are able to eliminate the enemies elite soldiers, while at the same time successfully defending the place they were attacking, that is considered a major victory. Instead Tet is considered a loss.

Why do Republicans think that corporations are for the free market?

Government creates monopolies. Thats why free marketers are against heavy corporate influence of govt.

Is CVT transmission better than automatic? Read description please?

CVT transmission is better when it comes to performance but it comes with a price which is poor gas millage. You get poor gas millage because while accelerating your not changing gears which causes you to use up more gas (i have a nissan altima 07)

Gestational diebetes at 30 weeks pregnancy?

I am now 37 weeks and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes around the same time as you did. Being on a strict diet and also seeing a nutritionist will definitely help to keep you within your limits. The doctor should give you some time to control the GD with diet but as you go on through the pregnancy, the baby will need to gain more weight/fat. This can sometimes make it difficult to control your blood sugar and you may have to make even more changes to your diet. If it can't be controlled with diet the next step will be a pill called Glyburide which will normally be taken twice a day, if that doesn't work THEN insulin is an option. But honestly you really sound like you will give it your all to stay healthy and do what's best for your baby. So don't worry, just limit your carbs and you should be fine.

Is it possible for a 3 year old to...?

Try This-Make Her Sit At The Table Until She Eats It.Then Set Up A Chart With 6 Separate Areas On It And It Should Have breakfast,snack,lunch,snack,dinner,and then snack so she has her protein and is healthy....and everytime she finishes a meal or snack you'll put / or let her put a sticker in the slot for that one and at the end of the week she gets a prize *(can be small or big) And It Should Make Eating More Fun Instead Of Something that she has to do or is a bribe. And Make Sure To Praze Her ! Hope This Helps !

Advises from mothers are welcome, please advise?

its 2 years after marriage and still no children, we mate eachother very rarely nowadays, but we were together on the 12th and 14th day of my period, so is there is any change on getting pregant,? what may be the reason for not getting pregnant? what kind of foods are favourable for having kids? im a pure veg. my husband eats everything, and basically he is only 24 and me 29, shall i need to wait until he get 26 or 28? he is very irresponsible now and not matured , not much interested in being father, not ready for treatment also.what i want to do?

Why are all cia agents big guerillas? Anytime i see an intelligence agent in any country they always ?

They always seem capable of lifting five hundred pounds! This holes true with any intelligence countries secret professional agency from iran to estonia they are all huge Gureillas!

Secrets on losing a few extra pounds?

im going to the bahama's in a few weeks and i need to lose atleast 15IBS, is their anything i can possibly do? thats HEALTHY? like special diets or special workout routines,any advise would be good, thanks

When i installed window 7 ultimate on my laptop, i wont be able to browse any internet sites.?

Someone said its only mozila firefox that works without hitch but i find that difficult to believe. Even though i was able to browse with the mozila firefox , is there anything/setting to do to make internet explorer work on Windows 7 or whether the version is the problem. Pls advise. Because of this problem, i had to remove the windows 7 ultimate and install vista ultimate.

How Much Should I Sell My Xbox 360 Games For??? HELP?

Well that depends some games are worth more than others. I would say no hire than fifty at least twenty.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are You Subsidizing Media Matters’ War on Fox News?

Liberals seem to think that they can use taxpayers money to try to silence opposing opinions. Media Matters shouldn't be tax exempt and PBS shouldn't be subsidized. I don't want my tax money going to either one.

Games with good stories for the xbox 360?

Lost Odyssey is an incredibly long game with and enticing story that will entangle you in a web of fun times :D it's got 4 discs so you know it's long. the best part is that it's only around $18

What can i give my 5 month old for a sunburn?

My mother took my son to the park today and he got a sunburn even though she swears he wasn't in the sun, obviously we was. He's burnt on one arm and on his face. Is there anything I can do? He doesn't seem like he's in pain but it's red and warm so if anyone has any advise that would be so nice. Thanks.

What do you think of this grave keeper's deck I made?

This is most definitely the wrong site for this question, 95% of people here won't even know what Yugioh is, let alone be able to help you. Try posting it on a site that is Yugioh based eg. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

HOW DARE HE! . . . .?

My colassal zapdos raped my neighbors parrot -again- and now I find myself in more legal issues [I previously was indicted on snorting the pulverized remains of my adorable little porygon, but don't worry about that (I bribed the government)]. So I'm tired of this f%ckin prick. What do you recommend?


my natural hair color is a light brown, for the past year I have been dying it a light blonde (not platinum) but a fair bit lighter with cheap $10 boxes from loreal. It works pretty well and i color it every 3-6 weeks to touch up roots and all. The thing is, i'm a bit sick of being blonde and I want to go darker brown, darker than my natural color. What would happen if I used a loreal brunette shade, would it not come out correctly? Because I know it's advised not to change shades drastically like that. What do I do? Do I wait? get it done professionally? Any and all answers are appreciated, thanks

Rate and fix my dragon deck?

Theres a ritual card called paladin of white dragon that i think is good and it can be tribute to special summon blue eyes white dragon from your deck or hand.

Im 29yrs old & always tired and lazy?

I never want to do anything. I've been like this for a little over a year, and it seems to be getting worse. All I want to do is lay around in bed, I take naps a lot throughout the day and sometimes can't fall asleep at night because of all my naps. I have 4 kids who are not babies anymore, and while im in my lazy mode my husband will take care of them. I feel like I have no energy to do anything or even play with my kids,or take them to the park or pool or ride there bikes because I feel so tired. And from me feeling so tired I feel like im always sick, ill always say my stomach hurts or I have a headache or ant excuse. And im never in the mood to have sex because I feel exusted and no energy. I will be honest I don't take vitamins because im scared to swallow pills I ain't even take meds for a headache. I don't exercise. I do nothing but lay in bed and watch TV. I just stopped working 3months ago in April I got fired because I didn't want to do anything but sit around,i worked at that job for 15yrs.and I've tried to fix this problem and I can't. What can I do to fix this problem does anyone have any ideas? Please. I need to be here for my kids. I feel like that show hoarders or addicted but in a different sense im addicted to being lazy! Please someone give me some advise!

Does the Tracey Anderson Method work for severely over weight people?

I'm really interested in trying her program, I have found some mixed reviews but that's to be expected. The problem I'm having is, the people on her commercials are already small compared to me and have some exercise routine. Where as I'm 5' 7" 270lbs and nobody on her commercials look like me. I'm wondering if this program only work for those that already fit but need some extra help. What do you think? I would love your advise, please no negative comments I already know I'm over weight, thanks.

What would you do in this situation? PLEASE HELP?

In my opinion. A swimsuit is to be worn not put in a picture frame. It was a present from your mother to be worn and soon she will have grown out of it and it will be of no use anyway. You should have let her wear it and perhaps she wouldnt have got angry. She on the other hand is a handful and is disobedient and in my opinion with a mother like hers (not you) she isnt helping and is happily goading her daughter to mess you around. Not good and isnt fair on you. I think you could however be making yourself out to be the big bad strict stepmum when really you could chill a little. Dont strip her bedroom - she will hate you and run from you and make things a whole lot worse. Kill her with kindness, be kind (even if it is thru gritted teeth) be loving, and ignore her childish ways. But just dont let her get to you AT ALL. Just keep smiling and When she sees she cant get to you cos you dont care shel soon get bored and will have no reason to play you up and will hopefully grow up and see how much petty times shes wasting.

Open university credits?

the open university have given me some credits but not what i hoped for, I am looking to get a IT job and was thinking an it degree would get me this but the open university have only given me 30 credits and yet have given me 240 credits for an open degree what this means it would take me a long time to complete an IT degree but i could do an open degree and complete it in a short time. what advise would some one give me? i was looking to do an IT degree then do a few microsoft courses to back my knoweldge up. What should I do is the IT degree worth it or should i consider the open degree then do a few IT courses My aim is to get a good salery paid job

How would the US stop an invasion from China?

Americans have much more to fear from their own government than the CCP. Of more concern is how to stop the police state that continues to grow here in the U.S.A.

A good father, bad mother?

Oh my heaven I am so proud of you to take care of him. Keep doing what is right and support your love one. I am sure you will have him home very soon. I will advice you to see a lawyer or child protective in your area if you can do more thing for him. It is very hard to fight this type of behavior and you have gut to help that many people will not go through with it.

How to ask someone to be my maid of honor?

I don't think that she will find it weird. Just ask her if she wants to hang out or go do something. Then when you two are alone, ask her if she would like to be one of your bridesmaids (or matron of honor). Most likely she will find it as a great thing and be happy and say yes. Good luck!!! (:

Are there any creative jobs in Kuwait.?

I just recently moved to the country and am looking for a job that involves creativity ....any advise or leads??

Trailering a yearling?

I need to work on getting her in and out of the trailer so she will load when she gets there. She is terrible!!! We have tried bribing her with food (she didnt care) we tried to walk her in a circle to get her really close to the trailer then lifted her feet up one at a time ( she flipped out and reared up), we tried to pull her in (she again, reared up and pulled back), we tried pulling her in while people pushed her butt and had a rope on it (reared ect.) then they just started hitting her butt while i pulled (guess what happened)...idk what to do, we need help!

CV, help and advise on my 1st CV?

Hi, I am writing a CV for a Business apprenticeship, I was wondering what skills I should put down, should I boast about my abilitys and should i bullet point? and how do i make my CV stand out form all the rest? Thankyou in advance also this is my first CV i have ever written so please forgive my lack of intellegence in this subject.

Jet Ski will not run?

My 92 Kawasaki 750 SS will not run. The carb is dirty and requires starter fluid to start it. It used to run fine, but now it will only run for 2-3 seconds then stalls out. I checked the fuel knob on the side and that is set to on, and it has about half a tank of gas. Any advise would be helpful and appreciated.

What to stock my fridge?

if something like that did happen i would get things that could last long, seeing as electricity would most likely go out and a lot of your food would spoil. And gas would to so you would have to cook over an open fire. There are a lot of online sites, that offer regular, and canned food that can last along time in case of emergency, and make sure to start growing a garden so you can have your own vegetables and fruit, seeing as many stores may shut down or be looted.

Am I the bad guy in this?

You are right your Mom should teach the kids manors now or they will grow up thinking everything in life should be handed to them. But they are just kids so there always going to run around the house, make the dogs bark, hit each other, leave messes all over, etc. Also, your mom is there grandma so she is going to spoil them regardless of what you say. If your mom wants to spoil them let her she probably feels sorry that they got taken away from there mother (i know i would feel sorry).

Yasmin pill? period? need advise!?

I Started the Yasmin as advised on the first day of my period. Only i have been bleeding for this normal? This has never happened to me before.. Anybody else had this? I have a pap smear on sunday as my last one was abnormal.. Wont be able to have it if this bleeding continues.. x

So depressed & cant stop crying.?

kay, so pretty much im really depressed and cant afford a therapist. im 16, live with my mom, dad & little sister. my home life sucks. my mom lost all her money and my dad doesnt work. my dad has really bad depression and anger issues and screams all the time, and my moms always crying. i dont know what to do anymore. my mom works pretty much all day and my dad sleeps all day. i clean and cook. i was pretty much forced to grow up and it sucks. i have a boyfriend, hes 19. and hes been a big help. prettty much, hes my own therapist, he gives me advise and listens to me and i can cry to him. i cry every night till i passout. ive thought about suicide multiple times, but i dont think id ever really commit suicide. i dont look poor, only my house does, except my house looks run down. because my parents dont even care about what it looks like anymore. i just feel so fuc*ing depressed it hurts, i wanna cry almost every minute. please help. i dont know what to do anymore?

Has anyone taken the GED test in 2010 without studying and passed?

I dropped out of high school in 9th grade, then went to a charter like school for a little of 10th grade and dropped out of there too... (ALLOT was going on) Now I am 19 years old and have to take the GED test because I want to go to college. The test is in 11 days and I have a study book but I was wondering if anybody has taken the test without studying this year or in 2010? was it hard? any advise?

What do you feel about the legalization of M games to minors?

I think it is a great idea, no more bribing, and it is "freedom of expression" after all lol, this is a turning point for now, what do you think this will lead to and how do you feel about this, and how will you take advantage if you do?

What will happen with Dominique Strauss-Kahn?

Based on how other rich men manipulate the system I'm betting that by the time his crew is done bribing judges and witnesses, the maid will be arrested for raping him.

What episode or manga chapter did this One Piece dialogue happen?

Is there really a dialogue like that? I rewatched One Piece for over 7 times but I dont seem to remember a dialogue like that.. Maybe..

Good 3D physics games?

I'm looking for a good 3d physic game, where you can destroy loads of things like in red faction guerrilla and just a big sandbox really, i have tried Gmod.

How the Maobadis became relevant in West Bengal Politics?

I hope a historian answers your question because the average Joe doesn't keep track of that. Whomever gives you an answer, have them cite their references. So much junk is made up here.

Which of these variation is the best?

Jiu jitsu is the traditional japanese version. Bjj is a new a more modern version. meaning more techniques and more to learn. My friend a blue belt in bjj beat a black belt in jiu jitsu. needless to say, brazilian jiu jitsu is way better!!!!!!!!!!

Protien in urine during pregnancy?

I recently went to my OB for check up at 18 weeks. They had a slew of lab results including a 24 hour urine. They said I have a UTI (w/o symptoms) and high levels of protien in my urine but too much to be from UTI. My blood pressure was slightly high so now i am advised to have a low salt diet and take BP meds. I asked him if the protien could be from the UTI and he said no but from what I have read UTI can cause high protien in urine. How does he know the difference? should I be overly concerned? Isn't it possible that if it is a long standing UTI it has reached my kidneys and that is the cause?

Is this a good gaming computer?

For a gaming computer, you'd be better off getting an i5 2500k. It even beats the i7 990x when it comes to gaming. It's the best gaming chip available and it's such greatly priced. So you'd need a good lga 1155 p67 motherboard. It also overclocks so easily and can reach 4.5ghz on air. It'll be much cheaper and better than any i7 for gaming. Also, I like SSD's but their price doesn't justify their performance e for me. Yea you can put the OS on the ssd and shave like 8 seconds off boot time, but that isn't worth it in my opinion. Save the money and get a better video card like the 560 ti.

Girl is like a mom from the Maury show. Should I stop being her friend?

Well if you don't want to be friends with her anymore just say "well I want to be cool with you but not hang out as much" or "i do t like you leave me alone or we will have some problems" but if you still want to be friends with her just distance yourself a bit so you won't be so annoyed

Why have so many people fallen for the lies of the progressive fascists?

mis-educated people who grow up believing the lies will perpetuate them for the are taught to have no honor or character. The collusion of media and progressive party have created the drone mentality with hand outs for anyone who clames to be progressive

Looking for some grooming advise?

I want to start grooming my Toy Poodle Baxter but I'm not sure what brand of clippers I should buy. I've been reading different book and watching videos but none really go into detail on what brand of clippers to buy. As a beginner I don't know if it would be wise to buy a pair of expensive ones or cheaper ones. I see Wahl a lot at different stores but when I look at reviews they're kind of mixed on how well they work. I was wondering if anyone could give me some kind of advise on the matter?

What do you think of the book "Witch and Wizard" by James Patterson and that other unknown author?

Yeah, I've read both. They both suck. It's boring, goes way too fast, has absolutely no thought into it, and is a story we've all heard. Have to save the world. If you have to save the world, it better be entertaining as sin (Ha, that actually makes sense!) and make me actually think! God, it was so dreadful.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What was the importance of the Cuban Revolution?

Yes you can certainly mention all those things Castro did, but you might want to make some small reference to the fact that he turned Cuba into a COMMUNIST COUNTRY. Just a little historical tidbit worth touching upon, don't you think?

What is proper wording for a Freedom Of Information request NYStatePolice to get name of Mafia Leader Utica NY?

The wording is not the issue. The issue is they feel your request is an exception to the Freedom of Information Act. If releasing the information may create problems, they can deny your request.

Which Laptop would you like to buy?

Just compare the prices and features of these two laptops! I need some advises on laptop shopping. Dell Studio 15 Laptop, $849.99 in Amazon, or Dell Inspiron 1525, Which one do you suggest?

I think im pregnant! help :(?

I have not had sex but my boyf did come on my trouser. The second time i think he touched himself down there and then me, i cant be sure as i was drunk. Please give me advise, im so scared i cant be pregnant i come from a catholic family who believe in children after marriage. Im too young and havent finished school

Okay need advise about these two guys :/?

Okay two guys on Facebook constantly flirt with me by only do it on chat or mail and sometimes ask for pictures.... I know them but font usually talk to them apart from on Facebook... What can you say to stop them without sounding lame or mean?

What was the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in helping Latin American countries?

Follow the money flowing from the IMF and you will find anarchy , murder and torture , the IMF is controlled by far left so called "progressives"

How to evict a "drama" couple?

Okay so my husband and I manage my moms house for her as in renting out the rooms and dealing with the constant BS, I wrote a question before regarding these pain in the butt roomates we have. Ever since they've moved in there has been nothing but drama in the house. They are a married couple and this woman always complains about the air conditioner not being on and she needs it on and she has a medical condition and so on and so forth...she tried calling the housing authorities behing our backs about it and found out that the air conditioner is an ammenity and my mom does not have to turn it on for her which I have explained to her before. There is always constant drama with this woman she feels like she can walk all over us just because we are younger then her (My husband and I are 20) (She is 30 and her husband is 28). Anyways my husband and I know so far how to run this house since we've been doing this for roughly a year now. This "drama" couple has a month to month lease and they are paying rent but the issue is I HATE DRAMA and the next time they start BS up again we would like to kick them out. I'd like to know if there is any legal way to go about this because I know we need a good reason to put down for the thirty day notice once we go about this. We really are trying our best although we are young, we are always kind and courteous until people start trying to cause problems for my mom and the stress really gets to me...Can anyone please advise me on what a good excuse could be to evict this couple? And please it has to be legal. Thank you! =]

Can Americans go to North Korea?

I really want to vacation in North Korea, but I'm an American. Can I go to North Korea? I also don't want to go on some bullshit tour with a North Korean guide who follows me around all day and takes me to designated areas, I want to explore the country myself. I want to see what North Korea and Kim Jong Il and the Dear Leader have to offer. If I get into the country safely/undetected can I move about freely or will I be discovered and killed? Or perhaps I will be imprisoned? If I am imprisoned will the American Embassy try and grant me amnesty? I have a feeling I may be imprisoned...also what currency do they use in North Korea and what is the exchange rate? I will need to exchange my American dollars into their currency so that I have plenty of bribing money I think.

What xbox 360 game should i get?

if been wanting to get a new game badly and i don't know what to get i like red dead redemption, Red Faction Guerrilla, Oblivion, Halo, Left 4 dead, and Battle Field Bad Company 2 so what do you think i should get

How to deal with this deal in marriage?

wife still pretty cold with me after a month, she is just very upset of me not helping her around the house and also with our baby, after a month she is getting very close to me she is actually being very sweet in the last 2 weeks, since I being helping a lot around the house, although she say she still very hurt and it is very hard for her to get close to me, but she is being very sweet, any one on this situation any advise?

39wk + 4days pregnant. Please help???? Extremely worried :(?

its my first symptoms of labour pain and no contractions lots of walking and squat a this normal?...m due on 4th july..have an appointment with doctor on the very same day...m scared and worried about delivery... :( ...also i need to know whether my baby is a girl as i have heard sumwer girl takes the complete due date for delivery...please advise and thanks for help

Osama Bin Laden killed by Guerrilla?

There are many newssites and TV stations that are telling the story of how he was killed: by US forces in a huge mansion.

Are we going to loose the war in Afghanistan?

It's "lose the war" not "loose" the war and, yes, we will - just as the Russians did before us and the Brits before them. We'll lose it for all the reasons you mention, and a few more. As for what America will do after this outcome - I think we will walk away from it. It's hugely unpopular at home and we need to cut our losses and leave.

I need urgent advise?

I dont understand why your still with him.. After all of that i dont see why you should still be with him. You need to leave him, and get rid of his kid!

How to beat my friends malefic skill drain variant deck?

try focusing on chamberlin of the six samurai and non spell-casting area! this still lets you use other six samurais but with non-spell casting area you can use dark hole to kill the opposing monsters, leaving them unharmed and they have no effect to negate! Also you can sacrifice them to keep your other samurais from being killed by dark hole! Plus with that you can try to swarm the field and use Six Strike Tripple Impact to destroy the monsters or field spell leaving the malefics gone for a while! So go for some Storms of ragnorok or Strike of neos boster packs for your answer!

I'm terrified to let myself orgasm?

I used to be sortof self concious like that myself, well... one, pee before you know you might do it, and also, just let it happen. Trust me. just go with it, youll enjoy it, and then sooner or later, thats exactly what youll want to happen (an orgasm) and youll feel less self consious and paranoid about that. Plus, guys love that.. ALOT, it makes them feel better about themselves

Do u think Ali's public opposition in Vietnam War PARTIALLY ruined US military Morale that cost the defeat?

The United States was humiliated by a small country of Vietnam in easily one of the greatest upsets in world military history. The Vietnamese guerillas defeated the American soldiers and made America quit. One of the biggest problems is the lack of public support for this war that ruined the morale of the American soldiers fighting in Vietnam. Ali refused to served despite being drafted. He criticized The government, white people, and the racism in militay saying blacks die faster than whites because they are put i the front lines fighting the Vietnamese while whites arethe one who leads. Over 3 million Americans evaded the war and went to Canada or Mexico. Did you support Ali's stance on the Vietnam War ?

What are some good free roam games?

The Saboteur is a cool game, really underrated worth a purchase :), LA Noire is out on friday that is going to be awesome free roam too, also Godfather II is quite a good free roam game, not as good as the GTA's but still worth a play for some fun

Post a pallet to Australia?

Have you tried they will give you the best deals they can find with different couriers

What are the cheapest graphic cards which can run the crysis 2?

A Radeon 5570 will run Crysis 2 but you'll be limited to low settings and low resolutions. Keep your expectations realistic.

Why did Germany lose so many soldiers when it took over France in 1940?

Well thats because in most cases soldiers fight but citizens fought too. So citizens were fighting too and which they knew the country so they planned a lot of ambushes in which soldiers were killed. just look up french freedom fighter I belive thats what there called

I hate people management?

Just say you wanted a change of pace and really prefer working with the public. Be honest. Don't say you hate being a team leader but just say you really prefer working with external customers and do best in that environment. Put a positive spin on your last job (I work with great people but my passion is working with the public) or whatever.. good luck. I have been in your shoes!

Orange CR35LDX humming sound plugged in at home.?

I bought an Orange CR35LDX combo amp last week along with a new Cort guitar and a new Ibanez guitar cord (cable). When i plugged it in my room to try it out, the amp produced a weird humming sound at volume more than a quarter (obvious) . When i turned on the overdrive it was worse. So i called the shop i bought it from and he tested it in the shop, it was crystal clear plugged in my guitar with my cable.Then we even tried it with another guitar plugged in, no such problems. So why is it producing such a weird sound when i plugged it in my room. This is definitely not due to the guitar, cable nor the amp, must be something related to the curcuit. Can u please advise me on this. Thanks in advance.

Will these computer specs be enough for Skyrim?

Yes, the processor and RAM are ok, but your GPU can get a little boost, for the same money, go look for a ATI card because they give a little more performance.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm a muslim and my parents are very strict. They've been pressuring me into getting married, but I don't want?

to. A few men have asked for my hand in marriage and I've said no to all of them. They are trying to bribe me by saying that I won't be allowed to go to Cornell, which I was accepted to. Can they do that? And I'm afraid that even if they can't, they won't give me their financial information to pay for my future years in Cornell

Is the Canadian Army replacing that piece of s*** LAV?

These LAV's are getting our troops killed,no more wheeled vehicles should be sent to Guerrilla wars! A friend of my father's has been KIA by a roadside bomb,and his LAV was turned into soup,as well as some G-Wagons that have experienced the same thing before,and afterwards. Is the Canadian Army having a replacement for these things?

What is the difference between Oligarchy and Plutocracy, and which one better describesAmerica today?

Oligarchy means rule by a few, plutocracy means rule by the rich, both together and you get plutarchy, and that's what the US is.

My girlfriend made out with another guy, what should I do?

Revenge is sweeter than she will ever b!!! GET BACK AT HER &make sure she finds out. if she cheats once, she's obvs gonna do it again. lying is the answer to everything.

Trying to fire an employee today and he did not show up to work today?

What do you mean by "we were going to fire"? Who's "we"? I would think that the management of the company would know the answer to this question.

Has anyone ever seen spots of colors and gotten a headache after playing hours of video games?

My son is 11. He had recently gotten a new video game for his ps3, "Little Big Plantet". I have caught him staying up all night long playing it. A couple of days ago he started saying that when he would sit or stand, that he would see different colored spots. Then tonight while he was falling asleep he said as soon as he'd start to doze off, he'd see the colors. That game is very colorful. He also has a headache. He hasn't been sleeping or eating right, so I think he may also be a little dehydrated. Has anyone ever heard of these symptoms from excessive video game playing? He's asleep now, but I'm debating on whether I should take him to the ER, or call the Dr in the morning. He doesn't have any other symptoms accept for being really tired. He was up playing til 7am this morning!!!! Needless to say, he won't be playing for a few days. Thanks for any advise.

Really annoyed with people touching/ staring at my belly?

I'm only 14 weeks but its starting to show. My boyfriends family is always trying to see my belly or touch it. It REALLy gets me so angry, I have no idea why but I just find it annoying. I don't feel pregnant I feel like I'm just gaining weight and I just don't like to be stared at. Any advise? Am I the only one with this problem? I don't want to be rude but I just can't take it anymore.

What is causing my anxiety?

I too, have anxiety, so I feel your pain. I used to take prescription Lexapro to handle it. It is expensive though, so when I wasn't experiencing anxiety/panic attacks as much I got off of it. It seems like you get triggered when thinking about certain things. Other than getting a med to handle this there are several ways to handle it. First of all, and most important, take your mind off of the subject for a little bit. Next, close your eyes and take slow deep breathes and tell yourself that everything will be ok (seems corny, but it helps). Also, getting away and taking a walk helps me, especially if its a social trigger. I also have a job where I travel a lot and sometimes panic attacks arise, but after going through some of these exercises I manage to get rid of it.

How friendly or unfriendly in London Metropolitan Police?

I stayed at a hotel near London Heathrow Airport for approx. 15 days at an average rate of �50/day including VAT. While checking out, I was asked to pay �500 for a liitle additional cleaning effort. I found the stated amount to be too high and resisted payment. I strongly suspect that the manager of the given hotel has some arrangement (either periodic bribes and/or special discounts) with an officer of Metropolitan Police who initially threatened me regarding Criminal Damage. After finding no evidence to charge me against any offense, he bluntly told me that he can detain me for 24 hours without any charges whatsoever. I had to pay the given amount to avoid further delay and inconvenience. I was a victim of Blackmail and Extortion using the Powers assigned to Police (most like bribed by the Hotel Management). Are police officers in UK above the law?

Evolutionists, where are the transitional fossils ?

Your, the cause of many troubles in the world, spouting off so called facts in the Bible. READ the Bible from start to finish, then and only then are you qualified to say you have read the Bible, Understanding the Bible is a whole new ball game.

Would you contribute to a fund to bribe the referee for the Cena vs. Punk match?

Let's all pitch in to bribe the ref, so Punk will only be a fast count away from taking the belt at MitB!

Please share your thoughts on my story?

You have periods where you should have commas. It's all short, choppy sentences. If this is the beginning, it's not a good one. DO NOT start out with "my name is...". It's cheesy, cliched and just, well, stupid. It's not very exciting and there's no hook.

I just got a new paintball tank?

This is actually for my first marker, but I notticed the tank says it contains lead and to wash your hand after handling. Should I be concerned about this or do they all have that? Its a Guerilla Air tank

Best 360 games 2010/1011?

you could try,divine divinity the dragon knight saga,borderlands game of the year,need for speed shift,fallout 3 game of the year,dragon age origins/awakenings,saints row 1/2,crackdown 1/2,all great games.i know some of these aren't 2010/2011 but there great games any ways.hope this helps.

Can anyone advise me on my Dark Deck Please?

i would go heavy on the magic and traps than monsters. maybe 15 good monsters and the rest split with magic and traps. if you have the right ones that compliment your monsters, winning is a breeze. also get the cards like princess of tsurugi that do 500 damage per card in oponents magic zone. princess of tsurugi and just desserts in one turn can do 3000-5000 damage on life points easy.