Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rate my agent deck please?

For the agents, i suggest adding 2-3 Mars. Take out Miraculous Descent and Athena. Add another Hecatrice or two, take out Vortex and Mercury. Take out Fountain in the Sky, Magic Cylinder, and Venus for 2 more Valhalla and a 2nd Bottomless. Take out Burial, all the Divine Punishments, Marshmallon, and Magic Cylinder, and add some draw power: 3 Cards from the Sky and 3 Pot of Duality. Then, take out Tethys, Sakuretsu, and Swords and add 2-3 Nova Summoner. You can try to find room for a couple of Airknight Parshath if you want.Then, take out Bribe for Mirror Force. Find room for a Giant Trunade and a Book of Moon and then the deck will be just about as good as it can be with the cards out ATM.

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