Saturday, July 16, 2011

My machina deck rate fix improve?

Scrap recycler is a must for a machina gadget deck. It acts as a foolish burial. You need more draw cards. If price doesnt matter then get 3 pot of duality, they are around $150 each. If that doesnt float your boat go with gold sarcs. 2 solemn warning could replace your bottomless but again they are a little under $100 a piece. If your going to add these cards you should take out both solidarity. Their good, but not good enough to run at 2, so even if you dont add any cards i would take out one to cut the deck count down to 41. Also you need the cyber dragon fusions especially chimeratech fortress dragon. It doesnt require polymerization and it can fuse with your opponents monsters. But all in all a very good deck, the only thing i would do is add better draw cards and a scrap recycler.

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