Sunday, July 10, 2011

Visitation issues how to get supervised visitation?

My fiance has has primary custody of his 3 kids for over 1 yr and the mother gets visitations. Over this period of time she is consistantly late either picking up children or dropping off children. she was court ordered to obtain liscence which she still has not and blames her lateness on finding a ride. She expects us to transport children even tho she is married now and her husband should be helping her. We have helped with transportation but enough is enough when she wont help her own situation. There has also been many incidents that put kids in unsafe environment, including her step son trying to do nasty things to are 5 yr old girl. the mother bribed the kids not to tell or she would not take them to chucke cheese and they would get butt whippings. I picked up the children last week from her high crime rated neighborhood and all 3 kids were outside by them self and their mother was in her apartment which is 3 floors up. The kids are 4,5, and 6 and the 4 year old was on sidewalk crying with bloody knee and there mom was in her apartment. What can we do to resolve these issues when we cant afford a lawyer at this time. We requested supervised visitation back in february for other reasons and were denied, please help children dnt even like going to there mothers anymore.

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