Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it against the law in Singapore to have an overnight in hotels with your bf/gf?

Today in Yahoo news a 20 year old China man got arrested because he bribed a policeman into disposing of his and his gf's particulars. Their particulars were taken because they were caught to be in a hotel room together on a random spot-check. Is it against the law or is it just a random screening test to fight prostitution?

Savefile for Red Faction Guerilla?

please can somebody upload a save file for red faction guerilla with 100% completion on the singleplayer and all the cheats unlocked thanks in advance

Is their a military strategy short of scorched earth that could win a guerrilla war for the U.S.?

No and if one studies the ancient writing titled the Art of War , one would find it is impossible to win a guerrilla war short of total annihilation such as a thermo nuclear attack

I'm scared to orgasm?

Think of it this way...imagine the pleasure that your BF will experience if he is the first one to ever give you that amazing have nothing to be self conscious about...believe me he will not be grossed out...and getting louder is just letting him know that he is doing what you it and you will be amazed at how great your BF will feel for giving you that pleasure not to mention how great it will be for you....when he ejaculates he gets things a bit messy...does that make it gross??? NO!! Its all good....let him keep going for both of you.....wet sheets can be washed no worries as he said he will put down towels,,,,obviously he wants you to experience this with him...let him take pride in the fact that you let down your guard and trusted him enough to experience this together...if you are old enough have a drink before you start this will calm you but not to much alcohol as this makes you less sensitive and it will be harder for you to have an orgasm...LET GO GIRL..YOU WILL LOVE IT...AND SO WILL YOUR BF.. HE WILL PUFF OUT HIS CHEST KNOWING THAT HE IS THE FIRST ONE THAT EVER DID THAT FOR YOU...

Why won't this dog like me?

My boyfriend's dog HATES me! Literally. He has bitten me before, and when I first met him he growled, lunged at me and was snapping his teeth at me. He refuses to sniff my hand, take bribes (treats) and even makes eye contact with me (a sign of dominance, I assume). He is an abused rescue, but he warmed up to everyone else and it's been 5 months and no improvement. The "poor" thing either is in a cage or has a muzzle on around me. He barks, growls, and has bitten some other people, but I'm the only person he hates. Everyone who lives in the house he loves (even though I practically live there too). What should I do?


Ive been askin alot about braces because I want to know every detail now that I have them! :), I really dnt got really bad teeth just a small overbite...(by the way people said I shouldnt waste money b/c ima fine jus the way I am).but im really known in school and I know this guy thats gonna ask me out when we go back to school so I just wanna know any duggestions or advise that can help me& is braces a turn off in a girl

How do i get my little girl to stop fighting sleep?

I have twins boy and girl which is almost 1yrs old and the girl fights sleep so bad, its this huge battle everynight. ITs hard to get twins to go to bed when u have two fighting it they both keep trying to sit up or rollover and with just being me sometimes cuz dad gets home to late, i cant hold them both down and if i put them in the swing they just play and grab the bars to stop the swing so if anyone has twins or any advise plz advise me. And yes i tried the cry out method and with twins thats to hard one just wakes the other and then i have both of them playing all over again.